
The Declaration of Independence (2023)

When in the course of human events
it becomes necessary for one people
to dissolve the political bands
which have connected them with another that calls evil good
and good evil
when they look around and see
only shards and shambles of a country that might have been
when they’ve been robbed of the rights
which the laws of nature and nature’s God entitle them
in the wretched ruins left
when the long train of abuses has plowed way past the station
comes the somber occasion to declare the causes
which impel them to a separation
the occasion to tell of what we’ve lost
and of what we hold

We hold these truths to be self-evident
which means we shouldn’t even have to say it
but all men are created equal
they are endowed by their creator
with certain unalienable rights
like life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness
freedom of speech, and of worship
and of conscience, these are non-negotiable axioms
as you pillar and plunder
and persist in abolishing them
we remind you that you never gave us these rights
you merely acknowledged them
your only job was to protect them
and not devolve into some
mutant mishmash of ideological nepotism
that would divide us and reduce us
under absolute, diabolical despotism

Let the facts be submitted to a candid world

We’ve gone from taxation without representation
to taxation without restriction
it was not the founders’ vision
to lock me in my house
shutter small businesses
print money as a pacifier and
mandate that I get fired for not complying
as if I should be sentenced completely
on the whim of a hapless half-wit
that can’t complete a sentence
a prince whose character is thus marked by every act which
may define a tyrant
whose incompetence and overt spending
mean that every dollar I earn
is worth pennies

We’ve gone from a flag that represented unity
in liberty, adventure, and sacrifice
to one that represents division
by race, gender, and sexual appetites

We’ve gone from championing equality to demanding equity
we’ve gone from pursuing truth to idolizing trends
pathologies thus marked by the wholesale capitulation of every institution upon which we depend

We’ve gone from amber waves of grain
and purple mountain majesties
to vast glades of swamp
gurgling in shadowy shades of depravity
the tragedy of a system rotted
thus marked by corruption, vitriol
and every crisis being coopted
into further conglomeration of control
you’ve lost the vision

We the people
are not the playthings of politicians
we are not pawns under the hands
of some glitterati imperial brass
the blue collar worker is not the whipping boy
of the cosmopolitan managerial class
middle America is not the armpit of America
middle America IS America

The silent majority is sick of the silencing
not to mention the coercion
the compelling
the condescension
as if we know nothing of what’s happening
of what’s marked by
globalist inquisitors informing us that we’ll own nothing
and be happy

We’ve gone from freedom of the press
to being pressed for freedom
thus marked, for instance
by the big tentacles of big tech
slithering into every crevasse of our existence

Google was good for settling debates
about song lyrics or getting directions
Facebook was great for 8th grade graduation pics
and scouring for old classmates and connections
but neither was ever supposed to determine
the outcome of our elections

We didn’t sign up for any of this

Our repeated petitions have been answered
only by repeated injury
our completely reasonable questions have been met with
only scorn, mockery, and censoring

Because you are deaf to the voice of justice
and blind to the plight of patriots
we, the citizens of the United States
appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world
for the rectitude of our intentions
do, in the name, and by authority
of the good people of this nation
solemnly publish and declare
our right to be free and independent
that we are absolved from all allegiance to
technological overlords, mainstream media delusions
deep state operatives, neo-Marxist movements
global elites, and captured institutions

And for the support of this Declaration
with a firm reliance on the protection of divine providence
we mutually pledge to each other our lives
our fortunes, our sacred honor
and our collective conscience
as individuals
indivisible and sovereign

This is not a revolution
this is a remembrance
ere there’s nothing left to remember
for our neighbors, our friends,
our families, and our descendants
we declare our independence


A Memoir from the Unclean

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so the arsonists want to be remembered as the firefighters

what I remember was
that you lied
and said it was okay
because these were noble lies
lies for my own good
you just wanted me to do what you wanted me to do
so the end justifies the means and all that
I call that misinformation
you called it benevolence

I mean, free doughnuts, burgers, and beer
how could I resist

you relentlessly repeated
that it was highly effective and safe
but only allowed the dissemination of evidence
that properly corroborated your case

you said one size fits all
despite the tremendous discrepancy
between a healthy 19 year old
and an elderly 91 year old

to coerce me into conforming
you made my risk calculation for me

you browbeat me with heuristics
and manipulated statistics
on a normal mortal day what was a tragic accident
was now reported to say – a Covid death
so the hospital could score a more bloated check
you abandoned the maxims of medicine
and the principles of its people
you wouldn’t let doctors be doctors
or let patients be informed of options
no, you prescribed the cure
the only acceptable cure
that just happened to be the product
of big government, big pharma
and the mainstream media conglomerate
I know-
I’m just supposed to go along with it
supply and demand
you supply it
and you demand it

if only that was all you did

you bulldozed skateparks
and arrested mothers for playing at the park
with their children
meanwhile millions marched
in “mostly peaceful” protests
parading arm in arm, row by row through the streets
wading through a cloud of viral vapor you said was so deadly
that I couldn’t stand by myself at the beach

you were so wise for
closing churches – those were unessential
you were so wise for
destroying anyone’s business that wasn’t Walmart or Amazon
or Pfizer

you taught children to fear faces
you masked them while maskless politicians pranced through their classrooms
confounding them
you masked cheerleaders
while twenty thousand maskless people cheered around them
you locked us down then
wined and dined with your lobbyists
I get it – how could you possibly be expected to launder if
you had to follow the same rules that you made for the commoners
it’s obvious
I’m the villain here

you promised that shots would stop the spread
you snarled and vilified the unclean
and when proven wrong
you conveniently forgot what you said

you painted circles in the grass
partitioned us by papers and glass
as if our politics weren’t enough
you herded us onto meticulously distanced platforms of pittance

you said there would be no Christmas for the plebes
you partied at Martha’s Vineyard
and pardoned it
because the pandemic didn’t target sophisticated elites

you stripped us of dignity, and liberty
except for those you would vigorously anoint
you told us not to worry
for freedom would soon be restored… at syringe point

you adorned your doors with signs like whites only-
I mean “vaxxed only”

you perpetuated witch hunts
you berated people on planes
you put people in camps
you made contradictory claims
you seized bank accounts
you fired anyone that wouldn’t comply
you tore apart families
you wouldn’t even let them say goodbye

you craved power
so instead of educating the public
and advocating critical thinking
you did anything you could to make their fear greater
you deleted people from social media for saying the same things
the corporate media finally endorsed a year later

you scorned and warned and deplatformed
you said you were the only source of truth
you blatantly branded any objectors
as fools with unacceptable views
derelict heretics and hoodlums
you propped up dehumanization as the proper moral posture
you laughed and sneered when people died,
then told me that you’re the good ones

that seems like a lot
well, it was

and now come the retrofitted headlines
the revisionist history
and all the gaslighting on top of it

taking away mandates does not take away your culpability
I am not impressed with you retracting the plank after you’ve made me walk off of it

I am not impressed when you constrain your whips
I am not impressed when you lift the boot from my esophagus
because you need to change your socks

I am not impressed with your concern for humanity
when your real concern
was obviously how much you profited

I know you’ve already forgotten
and you want me to just forget it all too

well I’m penning these words
and speaking them
against the ominous odds that
some modicum of this survives the memory purge

if it does, let memory serve
let memories be stirred
let us remember
what we all knew


The Collective Rationalization of Evil

A recent poll reveals that among voters who have a “favorable impression of Biden”, 51% are in favor of the government putting the unvaccinated in “designated facilities,” and 54% favor imposing fines or prison sentences on vaccine critics.

In addition, half of Democrats polled feel that anyone who questions the government’s view of vaccines on social media should be jailed or fined.

I wonder how close those percentages are to the those that were in favor of Jews being sent to “designated facilities” in pre-WW2 Germany. Or to the percentages that were in favor of keeping slaves in “designated facilities” in the antebellum South. Or those that were in favor of dissidents being sent to “designated facilities” in the Gulag Archipelago under Stalin or the laogai system of labor camps under Mao.

In these and countless other cases, part of the population was persuaded by ideologues to believe some other part of the population was unclean and less human, leading a large percentage of “good people” to collectively rationalize evil.

“But this time it’s different! It’s for public health!”

That sentiment rings hollow in a world where politicians don masks just off-stage, walk 20 feet to a podium, then take them off to speak. A world where governments bulldoze skate parks so that 10 people can’t skateboard outside, but encourage 10,000 to gather together for protests the next day – as long as the protests are for narrative-approved causes. A world where oligarchs impose lockdowns on their denizen rubes in New York City then proceed to go on vacation in Florida, or dine maskless in fancy restaurants while demanding the peasants cover their faces if they dare leave their homes.

A world where any reported side effects of vaccination are deemed coincidental (“correlation does not mean causation”), but if any vaccinated person has minor symptoms of Covid, all of a sudden correlation ALWAYS means causation and they’d be dead or in a hospital otherwise.

A world where you get deleted from the public square if you even mention your adverse reaction or question three-letter government agencies. Where hospitalization statistics are manipulated so that media outlets can air more sensationalized content.

President Biden, who fancies himself some great unifier, employs the exact same tactics as Hitler, Stalin, and Mao with his “pandemic of the unvaccinated” rhetoric, dehumanizing a large portion of the population in the face of the reality that the vaccinated still spread Covid. Desperate to find a scapegoat for his own ineptitude and for losing a war in which the premises of victory were badly miscalculated, he continues to double down on fomenting fear and division rather than ushering unity. Thus, it’s no surprise that many of his followers want to put the unvaccinated in “designated facilities” until they are sufficiently inoculated and re-educated.

So no, it’s not different this time. The calendar might read a different year. The czars in charge might go by different names. The perceived crisis might modify the mode of manipulation. But the grand intention is the same. And it’s disgusting.

Slavery didn’t exist in America because a few people wanted slaves. It existed because it was a practice inherited from a world that had collectively rationalized evil long before. None of the infamous tyrants the 20th century had any power by themselves – they only accrued power by manipulating the masses against a common enemy that they forged out of their own people. They convinced the convincible that some utopian end was greater than the means needed to get there, and if those means meant forced labor camps or mass graves, well, those (less human) people deserved it for not going along with the state-prescribed status quo.

To those in favor of imprisonment for anyone that comes to a different conclusion about what should be injected into their body; to those who say that thought should be controlled and opinion nationalized, I say unequivocally: Evil is still evil –
even when it’s collectively rationalized.


The Religion of Identity Politics


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Justice is one of the few fundamental truths that we all innately understand as humans. A 2 year old is innocent. A 40 year old rapist who runs a sex-trafficking ring is not. He’s incurred a great moral debt. If that debt were never paid it would be a great injustice. We sense that deeply.

We are keenly aware of transgression and violations of natural law. It’s why we have words for guilt, remorse, and shame. Religion is very much humankind’s accounting system for the economy of innocence and blame. It seeks to classify corruption. To diagnose the divergence of good and evil. To find respite from imperfection and restitution from impurity.

Based on the current modus operandi of all public institutions in this country and much of the West, I want to compare two relevant religions – Identity Politics, and Christianity. The astute viewer or listener might say “hey, Identity Politics isn’t a religion!” For all intents and purposes it functions as one. I’m going to adopt the term “Identianity” as the religion that uses Identity Politics as its gospel.

I need to take a moment to define Identity Politics, as it’s a broadly used term. In essence, it is categorizing people into groups and pitting these groups against each other, dividing us based on some superficial surface for some pernicious political purpose. The group “identity” is often based on race, sex, or sexual orientation, but is not confined to these, as groups are formed based on real or perceived oppressions at any given time.

Identianity is not unique to modern times or modern political movements. It was the curse of caste systems, the fuel of feudalism, the scourge of slavery, the corruption of the Klan, the dark heart of tribal warfare.

The pages of history overflow with the ink of heinousness done by one group of humans to another. This is why Identity Politics, when presented as a fight for the rights of the mistreated appeals to our sense of justice. Who wouldn’t want to right all the wrongs of humanity? But we have to ask if Identity Politics is the proper tool for this tremendous task.

In functional societies, interpersonal transgressions are dealt with in an agreed-upon a system of laws and consequences. When a crime is committed, blame is assessed. The accused is determined innocent or guilty, and in the latter case punishment is prescribed. Personal transgressions though, or sins of the soul, violate higher laws and require an entirely different judicial system.

In Christianity, each individual fallible human is to blame for their own transgressions. Jesus Christ, the infallible son of God manifest in human flesh, is uniquely and importantly the innocent party. This innocence, combined with the unfathomable physical and psychological pain that he agreed to endure, allows him to mercifully make all amends in satisfying the universal demand of justice. He’s our savior in every sense of the word.

In the garden of Eden, we fall.
In the garden of Gethsemane, we are caught.

In the current incarnation of Identianity, no matter the crime or the disparity, the white heterosexual male is to blame. As the apex transgressor, he is responsible for all wickedness, wrongdoings, and woes. The sins of mankind are solely the sins of the white heterosexual mankind.

Not only must this collectively stained group be silenced and purged, everything that their pervasive impurity has tainted must be decimated. Capitalism, colonialism, fossil fuels, the very notion of a nation, the nuclear family, Christianity, mathematics, classical music, art, literature. It all must fall.

In this case though, there’s no one to catch them. The white heterosexual male must shoulder the crushing weight of all the world’s wrongs. Their penance is the only payment that can be offered to satisfy the demand of justice. The debt is always growing though and will never be atoned for. Thus they must simply succumb to their fate as the perpetual target of cathartic rage.

With a burden so great, it’s no wonder that so many are sent scattering to claim disassociation, hoping against hope that there’s a way out of purgatory. Self-condemnation, virtue signaling, public confessions, writing books about their guilt and fragility, putting signs in the windows of businesses.
Dabbing blood on their door frames, hoping the avenging angel of societal death passes them by.

As for the innocent party, that would be anyone that points a finger at the white heterosexual male. And the less adjacent you are, or the more “intersectional”, to use their term, the more innocence you can claim. It becomes strategically advantageous to be recognized as disadvantaged or oppressed, because it gives one a stronger moral claim in society. Along with which comes more social credit – the right to speak above others, to be believed above others, to receive more benefits.

Once the white heterosexual male has been sufficiently scapegoated and scourged however, a new fall guy will need to be appointed. The white heterosexual female is on deck. The heterosexual black male apostate likely follows, and on down the list. The fire of cultural Marxism will always need fuel to keep burning.

So we have the guilty, the innocent, and the scapegoat. But who is the savior in Identianity? Listen to any speech from a far-left politician – they’ll tell you. The government is the savior. They just need more power, more money. But these tithes are specially earmarked. They must be used for the proper partisan programs that the priests and priestesses of Identianity have in mind.

This is why you’ve seen everything become so highly politicized. In this religion, the government is exalted. All matters must be brought to the altar of politics where the supreme authorities can judge in favor of those that have lobbied their position most effectively. Citizens are mere subjects, looking upward to the state, begging to receive its blessings.

Identianity has its own evangelicals and pastors. It has its own sacraments, seminaries, and crusades. The university system in the West has been steadily infiltrated by the missionaries of Identianity over the past six decades. The converts that came out of this system have gone on to turn all of our institutions into monasteries of illiberalism. This doctrine is preached from the pulpits of mainstream media, worshipped in workplaces, coerced into corporations, and exhorted in elementary schools.

We now find ourselves at an inflection point, where we must reflect on the ramifications. How is this philosophy playing out in the world? How has it played out in the past? The fruits of Identity Politics are division, anger, resentment, contention, and ultimately some form of ethnic cleansing. It encourages people to see the worst in others. It encourages people to figure out how they can be victims.
The fruits of the Spirit are love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, and temperance. It encourages people to see the best in others. It encourages people to figure out how they can be victors.

In Christianity, to say we as individuals have no sin, is to deceive ourselves. To diagnose the brokenness of the human condition one looks inward. And to heal these wounds, one looks to Christ. The heart is changed and the person is transformed from the inside out.

In Identianity, one looks to the government to heal the wounds by punishing some other group. The transformation can only happen from the outside in, and only if certain conditions are met. The enemy is always without, never within.

Jesus admonishes his followers to forgive one another 70 times 7 times. Forgiveness would be counterproductive to Identity Politics and is therefore completely excluded from the doctrine. People can only seen as part of a collective identity, and since mercy is a feature of individuality, there is also no mercy in Identianity. For the same reason, there can be no redemption.

So while Identianity takes on the veneer of religion in many regards, its system of misappropriating innocence and collectivizing blame ultimately manufactures a fraudulent and dangerous imitation. It attempts to copy the architecture but uses the wrong materials, which is why it always falls in the end, and always leads to destruction.

Before concluding, I want to address two counter arguments.

The first being that Christianity has been the cause of plenty of division, resentment, and destruction itself. While I would acknowledge that many have used religion as a pretense for personal and political motives, I’d point out that this is a corruption of the offenders and of the doctrine itself. Not only have murder, envy, and bearing false witness been officially condemned since Moses made his way down the Mount with the tablets, but Christ set forth in no uncertain terms that love for God and love for each other would henceforth and always be the way for his disciples to live.

Conversely, contention is a fundamental tenet of Identianity, of which all its ambassadors from Marx to Marcuse to Kendi would agree. Rather than “blessed are the peacemakers”, for they will be called children of God, their sermon on the mount would include “blessed are the beefmakers”, for they will be called children of the State.

The second counter argument is that Identity Politics is required because of the deep and far-reaching wounds left behind from the institutional crimes of racism in America, such as slavery and Jim Crow laws. No one argues that these weren’t great travesties. But forgotten is the fact that not everyone agreed with them in the first place. When you abolish the abolitionists you are guilty of the same erasure that you accuse the hegemony of. No present or past people, no matter how you group them, is a monolith. Even if you accepted the false premise that they were, holding present people responsible for past people’s decisions is no better than putting “colored” signs on drinking fountains. You’re spending counterfeit currency in the economy of innocence and blame.

So what’s the real currency? As Martin Luther King Jr. said, “Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.”

I will never deny that many wrongs have been wrought. Or that there is still work to be done. But enmity is definitely not the remedy. Making America hate is not the way to make America great.

As Alexis De Tocqueville said “feelings and ideas are renewed, the heart enlarged, the mind expanded, only by the reciprocal actions of men one upon another.” Identianity will never facilitate this.

Identity Politics should be rejected not because it demands justice for those who have been unjustly treated, but because it demands division and corrodes confidence in each other and in individuals. It’s a colossal disservice to inseminate the mindset of victimhood and paranoia in people. To teach them that they can’t accomplish anything without the help of government, or that they shouldn’t even have ambitions in the first place because the system is against them. This is mind poisoning.

Our world is a broken one shattered into fragments of well-intentioned brutalities and unwitting imperfections and every day you and I drop one of those pieces on the grand scale of justice. Identity Politics claims that it is the hand that is heavy enough to re-balance that scale. But that misguided hand has caused nothing but disaster every time it’s touched humanity.

None of us are innocent. In one way or another, we’re all a little bit crooked. There’s only one judge and savior that can set us straight. Who paid the cost. And it’s not the State.

This is not a left or right thing, or a black and white thing. We must venerate the value every individual and resist the compulsion to categorize people by some group identity. An identity that can and always will be manipulated by those seeking to wield political power.

It was former Marxist Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn whom, after spending a decade in a Soviet Gulag for criticizing Stalin in a private letter, famously formulated the truth of the matter – “the line separating good and evil passes not through states, nor between classes, nor between political parties (nor, I would add, between races) — but right through every human heart.”

Above all, Identity Politics should be rejected because it denies this eternal truth.

Let us not make idols of identity while we pursue progress, equality, justice, mercy, goodness, and enlightenment. For the opposite of racism is not anti-racism, but righteousness.


It Was All True

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In October 2020, from this desk, in front of this camera, I said:

“look at how the big tech companies have formed battalions
with the mainstream media
you’ve seen the double standards
the silencing, the shadowbanning
the Orwelian finaggling of language
the skewing of search results
the censorship
the false narratives
the mass manipulation of reality
you’ve seen the madness of the mobs
the captains of corporations with their smoke grenades
flanked by Hollywood and SJWs and their woke brigades”

I was told that this was a right-wing conspiracy theory. I was just being paranoid. None of that stuff is really happening. Nobody is being censored for their political beliefs. They only get censored for hate speech. The mainstream media isn’t part of some big ruse. They just honestly and objectively report the news. Our internet overlords would never contort and control the flow of information.

On February 4th, 2021, TIME Magazine published an article called “The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election”. Perhaps a more apt title would have been “The Wizard Pulls Back His Own Curtain”. Turns out there really was “an informal alliance between left-wing activists and business titans”. There really was a “well-funded cabal of powerful people, ranging across industries, working together behind the scenes to influence perceptions, change rules and laws, steer media coverage and control the flow of information.”

It was confirmed that there were at least 400 planned “demonstrations” for the night of the election, and this network of street mobs was ready to be deployed on American cities at the push of a button, in case not enough people tapped the “correct” button at the ballot box.

It was confirmed that George Floyd, BLM, and other Social Justice organizations were coopted to push the agenda. It’s not that the cabal cared more about the marginalized as one might hope, it’s just that they saw more opportunity in the margins to siphon votes.

It was confirmed that the heads of Facebook and Twitter held private dinners where activists convinced them of what they needed to do, which is why you saw so much censorship and control of what you could share and see, and what you were allowed to believe was true.

It was confirmed that racial justice firebrands brokered a deal with corporations – because burning more businesses is bad for profits. That’s why you saw every big company fall in line, and repeat the same rhetoric time after time.

Everything I’ve stated here is straight from the article. This is their own attestation, and this is not some so-called right-wing conspiracy publication. In their own words, there was literally a conspiracy. A secret combination.

But you might say, “they only did this to ensure the election would be free and fair.” They were simply “saving our democracy”.

But they failed to hide the hypocrisy.

The Kingpin admitted that victory to him
would not be a free and fair election, but a Biden win.

So how safe do you feel about your democracy? How safe do you feel knowing that a well-funded cabal of left-wing activists, business titans, mainstream media moguls, and big technocrats will now decide every election?

How safe do you feel about your freedom of speech? Your freedom of anything?

I finally realized that this was never about Trump being a racist or a homophobe or any other “ist” or “phobe”. It was about him being a fly in the ointment. A glitch in the matrix. A threat to all those that sit upon thrones.

After the civil war, Abraham Lincoln said that the task before this nation was to have a new birth of freedom, under God. A government of the people, by the people, and for the people that shall not perish from the earth.

Has anybody seen it? All I see is a people governed by the elite for the elite, under the god of what they say is good for us to believe. Whatever keeps us from seeing the forest for the trees.

I will not live on my knees.
I will not live by lies.
I will speak for freedom.

because to put in bluntly
it’s not Trump that I want back,
it’s my country


The Garden Where Good Things Grew

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There was a garden where good things grew
carrots and lettuce and sunflowers to name a few
the sun would shine and the breeze would blow
the best thing was, they were free to grow

at the head of each row stood a cactus
those were good for keeping invaders away
as long they keep their distance
and kept their thorns at bay

about the same time every year
the garden was afflicted
pestilence would pervade
and many of the gardenites became sickened

one year the bugs brought a new virus
that was particularly petulant
and even more noxious
was the onslaught of the many conflicting messages

they must go to great lengths to stop the spread
most all of the gardenites agreed
yet some wondered about the cost
of the freedoms that they would cede

the cactuses took charge
and ordered a tarp to be pulled over the garden
to some, this was reassuring
to some, this was alarming

it kept out some of the bugs
but also blocked all the sunshine
they were told it was temporary
they could survive until… sometime

a few weeks turned into a few months
curves and flowers were flattened
while the gardenites quarreled about graphs and statistics
their stalks and their stems became blackened

strife and suspicion grew wild
branches of truth became twisted
they lost track of time and dignity
until one day the tarp was finally lifted

the garden looked quite different
it was not a pretty sight
countenances were darkened
without nutrients, without light

many were found infected and many had died
some from the bugs that still got in
but many more from the thorns
that were found in their sides

they were shriveled and gaunt
sure signs of famine
wilted and wanting and wishing
that ramifications had been fully examined

was it always for their own good
or more for the good of the whole
was the whole thing good
if it robbed so many of their soul

those that were left
might well have perished too
because growth was no longer a value
under the new form of garden rule

they would no longer debate
the graphs and best practices
because all that was left
were the commands of the cactuses
