Tag Archives Dehumanization

The Resistance

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Sundown. October 1st, 1943
The secret police of Nazi Germany – aka the Gestapo
began slithering through the streets of Denmark
their seething jaws agape to seize all the Jews in their wake
to swallow them whole
and force them toward their forlorn fate
in concentration camps
but to their consternation
despite having the names and addresses of every Jew in town
their prey was nowhere to be found

Because two days prior
Georg Ferdinand Duckwitz, a German diplomat
had tipped off the leader of the Jewish community
who spread the word to the rabbis
who spread the word to their congregations
and over the next 48 hours
schools, businesses, hospitals
churches of all denominations
persons of all occupations
became alibis
together they devised a makeshift network of escape routes
and hurriedly funneled the Jews to the coast
and onto boats
and to freedom
over 7500 souls made it across the sea
to asylum in Sweden

Some 95% were saved from the Holocaust

What made the Danes do what so many others didn’t?

well, for them
the answer to the “Jewish question”
was that there was no question
from what they could surmise
people were people
no amount of politics and propaganda could persuade them otherwise

the resistance wasn’t against Hitler
it wasn’t against Germany
or the Axis

the resistance was refusing to adapt to the practice
of otherizing
resisting the all-too-ubiquitous urge to purge

that slithering snake didn’t die
in a bunker under Berlin in 1945
it’s alive
everywhere you see someone drawing a line around a group
and blaming them

the resistance is not woke-ism
it’s not Trumpism
it’s not progressivism
it’s not conservatism
or any ism

in a world of
carefully concocted narratives
and caricature crafting
where race rousing vultures circle
above the cadavers of cancel culture
where the technocracy makes its hay
by making algorithms that make us hate
the resistance
is refusing to take the bait

refusing to be divided and conquered

if the Gestapo came to your door
and said
where are the democrats?
where are the republicans?
give us the Christians
give us the atheists
we’re here for the black people
we’re here for the white people

dear viewer
if you would point and say there they are –
take them
if you would make degrading hashtags about them
or take to Facebook or flock to TikTok and berate them
if you would put them on lists and castigate them
no matter the group being pursued
if you wouldn’t help them escape then
you might have been on the side of history
that you always thought you never would have partaken in
and history is here
to find out

there were those that were exposed to this resistance
that was shown by the Danes
and they actually changed
with just a glance into the courageous, sacred eye of the human spirit
Nazi sympathizers found their ideology hard to justify
they realized
that what they had been sold was a lie

they became rejuvenated
they no longer believed in the extermination of a whole people
they were no longer deceived by the evil
of dehumanization

dear viewer,
is The Resistance.
