Tag Archives sanctity of life

Life is Precious (I’m Glad You Agree)

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we should do everything we can to save just one life
right Governor Cuomo?

No one is expendable
right vice president Biden?

all human lives are precious
right Mayor Garcetti?

I’m glad you all agree
because when a society loses respect for human life
amen to that society

life is precious
even when you light up the World Trade Center in pink to boast
that life is disposable
especially notable because you emphatically organized
that vainglorious devotional
on the very grounds where 11 unborn children are memorialized
next to their mothers
forever etched in stone
for dying at the hands of one of most awful acts
of violence against innocent human life that we’ve ever known
a crime that we surely do not condone

life is precious
even when it’s a burden
we just put tens of millions of people out of work and
didn’t even bat an eye
we would crumble economies
while we mount our immunity
we would risk hunger and homelessness and depression and suicide
on countless in our communities just to save one life
that we would make that kind of sacrifice

yes, life is precious
we all know it is
that doesn’t change based on whether news of pregnancy is followed by congratulations or condolences

the worth of a soul
is not based on how much they are wanted

life is precious
no matter how many euphemisms we have to make up
to justify the carnage
you know what you feel when you read about
a baby that’s been stuffed into a shoebox
and found in the garbage
as if abortionists aren’t doing the same thing

we’ve all felt the contractions
the only thing worse than the death penalty is
getting the death penalty for someone else’s actions

life is precious
my Dad’s life is precious
my grandmother’s lives are precious
my 1-year old boy’s life was precious when he was a week out of the womb
and his life was precious two weeks before that
you don’t get to choose when life becomes precious
unless you’re God
and I don’t see your white robes

I don’t know if these measures are showing humans at their best
or exposing them at their worst
because if you would go to these lengths to protect someone that is a month away from taking their last breath
why don’t you protect someone that is a month away from taking their first?

life is precious
it’s why every newborn baby’s face has a claim on you
you can’t help but feel the hope for humanity
the amazement of creation
and the wonder for what he or she will become in this world
what do you feel when you see the aftermath of an abortion?
can you even bear to look?

the wounds of the womb run deep
whether it’s a plane or a physician doing the piercing
either way
we’ve got blood on our hands

life is precious

I’m glad you agree
because when a society loses respect for human life
amen to that society
